Recruitment strategy for LEVANTE can follow two primary paths:
- School-based – where families in the same school are recruited
- Family-based – where families are recruited individually (e.g., via online advertising, a clinic, or other recruitment method)
Sites should take into account the following considerations:
- Intended inclusion and exclusion criteria
- Strategy for inviting individual families to participate in the study (for family-based administration)
- Strategy for inviting schools to participate and/or known commitments from schools for participation in the project (for school-based administration)
- Site by site requirements for permission from schools for on-site assessment administration and records obtainment (for school-based administration)
- Site by site strategy for obtaining caregiver consent and questionnaire completion (for school-based administration)
- Retention strategy for follow-up visits and corresponding plan for documenting participant attrition throughout study duration
- Indication as to whether school administrative records and/or teacher responses will be obtained